
Our first recording, "Leave a Little Light" was an 8 song cassette that we recorded in The Crash Test Dummies new basement demo studio. We were the guinea pigs for the equipment. Consequently, as heart-felt as the performance was, there is a bit of fridge hum that can be heard in a CD release of this recording. No one buys cassettes anymore, so we stopped production of this recording. People still ask for various songs from Leave a Little Light, so we have been trying to add one song from this recording to each new recording. "Faucet" was the choice for this CD. A little levity couldn't hurt, now could it? "Faucet" is one of our most often requested songs, believe it or not, and it was this song that caused us to have the dubious distinction of being banned from Brandon, Manitoba. The song is a tongue-in-cheek poke at the ridiculousness of being labelled or persecuted for one's personal preferences. Though we have re-recorded the song for this CD, please remember that this song was originally written 15 years ago and that now... we support water conservation!
my sexual preference is my bath tub faucet
you might say that I'm in a water closet
my tank is too small and my water bill is high
but my faucet and I get happily by
faucet and I
bye bye bye
I'm a hydrasexual...
Well I know people who play wirth their food
but I haven't met an eggplant that puts me in the mood
a faucet can't take your heart and run
after all it's just good clean fun
when it's all said and done
it's just fun fun fun
- check out the taps on that one!
Life with a faucet really is a breeze
you won't get pregnant or a strange disease
and if worse comes to worse and things go sour
don't worry baby there's your trusty shower
go with the flow
take me under...
I think I'm getting all wet...
my sexual preference is my bath tub faucet
you might say that I'm in a water closet
my tank is too small and my water bill is high
but my faucet and I get happily by
faucet and I
bye bye bye
throw out the vaseline and toss the KY
grab your shower cap and give it a try...
Words and music © 1992-2006